Openstack Upgrade in Region: EU-DE

During the implementation, several services might be impacted for only a short period of time (seconds or maximum a few minutes).
In case of issues afterwards, please contact the Open Telekom Cloud Service Desk.

Impact: Scheduled maintenance
Affected Region(s): EU-DE
Affected Service(s): Object Storage Service
Start date: 2024-05-28 07:00 UTC
Planned end date: 2024-06-28 07:09 UTC

2024-06-28 07:09 UTC
Elastic Cloud Server (Compute, EU-DE, ecs) moved to OpenStack Upgrade in regions EU-DE/EU-NL, Elastic Volume Service (Storage, EU-DE, evs) moved to OpenStack Upgrade in regions EU-DE/EU-NL, Object Storage Service (Storage, EU-DE, obs) moved to OpenStack Upgrade in regions EU-DE/EU-NL, Incident closed by system

2024-06-10 12:01 UTC
moved to